BSA/AML Risk Assessment


Objective. Determine the adequacy of the bank’s BSA/AML risk assessment process, and determine whether the bank has adequately identified the ML/TF and other illicit financial activity risks within its banking operations.

  1. Determine whether the bank has identified ML/TF and other illicit financial activity risks associated with the products, services, customers, and geographic locations unique to the bank.
  2. Determine whether the bank has analyzed, and assessed the ML/TF and other illicit financial activity risks within the products, services, customers, and geographic locations unique to the bank.
  3. Determine whether the bank has a process for updating its BSA/AML risk assessment as necessary to reflect changes in the bank’s products, services, customers, and geographic locations and to remain an accurate reflection of its ML/TF and other illicit financial activity risks.
  4. If the bank has not developed a BSA/AML risk assessment, or if the BSA/AML risk assessment is inadequate, complete a BSA/AML risk assessment for the bank.
  5. Document and discuss with the bank any findings related to the BSA/AML risk assessment process.


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